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Edukit Wellbeing App
Student and staff wellbeing is very important to The Autism Project and since October 2020 students have been using the Edukit Wellbeing App where they can choose to watch various videos of interest as well as being able to seek help when needed.
Edukit it is a social enterprise set up to ensure that all students receive support in terms of their wellbeing. It is also a great tool for tutors and staff to track student’s wellbeing.
On the 3rd of December the TAP Wellbeing lead participated in an Edukit Wellbeing App webinar where she spoke about relevant features that the app can offer to promote The Autism Project students wellbeing.
Students are getting use to using the app and it will be incorporated in future Wellbeing sessions.
Edukit also offers Wellbeing support to staff and Care Trade staff have been offered to join Staff’s Edukit Wellbeing pilot version of the app and also be involved in developing the app further.