Meet the team

At CareTrade we passionately believe that autistic people are an asset to employers and that being in work is the biggest single factor that can transform the life of an autistic person.

We are a small but highly skilled, experienced and dedicated team. If you have a question for us please get in touch.

Judith Kerem

Development Director

[email protected]

Ela Gallagher

The Autism Project Functional Skills Tutor

[email protected]

Karen Edwards

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

[email protected]

Katherine Dymond

The Autism Project Job Coach

[email protected]

Mark Finch

Head of Education & Learning

[email protected]

Elvina Dalmasso

The Autism Project Senior Job Coach

[email protected]

Nicola McDonald

The Autism Project Senior Job Coach/ Independence Lead

[email protected]

Zoe Peel

The Autism Project Coordinator

[email protected]

Aga Keeling

Cafe Traineeship Manager

[email protected]

Samuel Truss

Engagement Lead

[email protected]

Elisabetta Carretta

Working Kitchen Chef

[email protected]

Marlee Gordon


[email protected]

Jack Dear

Learner Support/ Trainee Tutor

[email protected]

Shahnaz Choudhury

Employability Lead- Development

[email protected]

Jemma Dear

Head of Quality and Training

[email protected]

Susana Cespades Leon

Job Coach- Development

[email protected]

Luke Wilmshurst

Job Coach

[email protected]

Grace Fletcher

Job Coach

[email protected]

Elise Klatsa

Job Coach

[email protected]

Hilary Fertig

Executive Manager of Employment Autism

[email protected]

Jessica Lewins

Job Coach

[email protected]

Meet our trustees

CareTrade Trustees are all actively involved.

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