The Autism Project @ Guy’s and St Thomas’

CareTrade has worked alongside the equality, inclusion and diversity team within GSTT since 2010, placing students aged 18-25 years of age in work placements within a number of different departments across both sites.
To date we have worked with over 30 departments within the hospital.

“Guy’s and St Thomas’ is hugely proud to be part of The Autism Project.”
“This project gives young people on the autistic spectrum valuable insight and experience of working in different settings, enhances their communication and social skills and leads to paid employment.”
“It also inspires and motivates our staff who work with the young person and learn about different ways of communicating and develop better relationships.”
“Our ambition is to increase the number of staff employed through The Autism Project, at our hospitals and community sites, and to celebrate and share this fantastic achievement.”
Manal Sadik
Former Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Guy’s and St Thomas’

“It has been great opportunity to work with Olivia and David.
They’ve provided great support to the OHCT research team working on a variety of projects, including cataloguing, auditing, data management and archiving…to say the least!
They’ve been a pleasure to work with and have become an asset to the OHCT.”
Clinical Trials Set Up Specialist, GSTT
St Thomas’
Other projects

Whittington Health
Whittington Health has been in partnership with The Autism Project since September 2018. This has enabled us to offer work placements at the Whittington Hospital at Archway, in the North of London as well as placements to the South of the river at Guys and St Thomas’ hospitals.
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Find out how to apply for The Autism Project
If you are autistic aged between 18-25, have an Education Health and Care Plan and would like to work, The Autism Project may be able to help you reach your goals.
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